About Us

Superdoc Sri Lanka was created to solve few of the most common problems a patient could face.

The most common problem observed is that you are required to pick a number and wait in queue until your turn comes. A very good doctor may have a large number of patients that might make you wait in line for hours. Superdoc eliminates that and saves your time by allowing you to pick and select a time of your preference. Book through us and visit the doctor at your selected time bypassing any queues. Confirmation is instant and SMS confirmation can be provided to the doctor’s assistants for confirmation without any prints.

Another common issue is that you might have a favorite doctor that you would prefer to visit, but circumstances may prevent you from that. Superdoc helps you to search for a doctor in your required specialty in your area.

We at Superdoc will continue to keep on improving our services because no matter what, the patient’s needs will be first. We believe that there is no other better way to deliver the great healthcare experience we all deserve.

Contact Us

Our team of service experts strives to answer phone calls within one ring and emails within one business hour.

Need help? Get in touch with us.

TELL:0112 822 397

EMAIL:[email protected]

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